How To Apply For A Grant
Share Your Idea With Us
If your organization has an idea that furthers our mission and aligns with our grantmaking goals and strategies, we would love to hear from you!
Please use our Grantmaking Portal, GOapply, to submit a Request Inquiry Form. This form will include a brief description of your organization and its request.
Don’t have an account? Visit the Grants Portal and click on Create a New Account to set one up. For step-by-step guidance, refer to our Getting Started with AkoyaGO Guide. Once your account is created, you can access the Request Inquiry Form under the Opportunities tab, for detailed instructions, refer to our How to Submit a Request Inquiry Form Guide.
If your idea aligns with our mission, goals, and funding criteria, you may be invited to proceed to the co-development phase and submit a proposal as described in Step 2 below.
Invite to Submit a Proposal
Designated program staff will work collaboratively with you and your organization to develop your project proposal. This includes:
Co-designing the project proposal:
- Phone calls and/or in-person meetings to discuss project and review proposal drafts;
- Site visit. In some cases, Foundation staff and leadership may make a site visit to meet with the applicant to learn more about the organization and better understand the proposed project;
- Engagement of subject matter experts or members of our Board for additional input or expertise; and
- Identify potential for additional collaborations and partnerships.
Finalizing the proposal:
- All proposals must be submitted through the Grants Portal at the deadline specified by your HFSF staff liaison.
- You are responsible for finalizing the project proposal, with guidance and support from your HFSF staff liaison.
- Your submission may involve the following requirements:
- Proposal Narrative
- Budget & Budget Narrative
- Work Plan
- Contact list of Board of Directors
- 501 (c) 3 IRS determination letter
- Organization financial documents
- Form 990
- Financial statement
Present Your Proposal At A HFSF Grant Committee Meeting
Once the project proposal has been finalized and submitted you will have the opportunity to present your project to HFSF staff and leadership. The purpose of this meeting is for staff to decide what proposals will be presented to our Board of Directors for a final funding decision.
Consider this your chance to “pitch” your project to the HFSF staff and leadership who weren’t as involved in the co-development phase. You should plan on describing your project and be prepared to address any questions or concerns from HFSF staff or participating Board members
There are 3 possible outcomes at this stage:
- HFSF Grant Committee approves your project proposal as presented (go to step 5)
- HFSF Grant Committee approves your project proposal, but recommends changes or contingencies (make advised changes to the proposal and go to step 5)
- HFSF Grant Committee declines the project proposal
- You can discuss with your staff liaison whether it makes sense to return to the step 3 co-development phase to attempt again
Your HFSF Staff Liaison Will Present The Final Project Proposal At The Board Of Directors Meeting
At this point you’ve done all the work, so now you just wait to find out whether the Board approves your project proposal!
If approved, new grantees will work with Foundation staff on the Grant Award Agreement to begin the project.
Timelines and Approvals:
Concept proposals are accepted year-round, with some exceptions. Final grant approvals are made by HFSF’s Board of Directors. The Board meets regularly throughout the year, usually four to five times, around March, June, September and December. Grant Committee meetings are held approximately six weeks before a Board of Directors meeting.