Frequently Asked Questions

When can I apply for a grant with Health Foundation of South Florida?

Health Foundation accepts proposals on a rolling basis year-round. In addition, request for proposals for a specific funding opportunity may be announced on a time-limited basis with its own schedule of deadlines. Those deadlines will be clearly stated on the request for proposal announcement and/or on our website.

How long does it take to get a proposal approved?

Our staff makes every effort to respond to proposals in a timely manner. The amount of time between the receipt of a proposal and an award varies greatly and depends on various factors including: the complexity of the project; when the proposal is received; and when our Board of Directors meetings are scheduled. (Our Board meets four to five times throughout the year.)

Is my organization eligible to apply for a grant?

To be eligible for a grant from the Health Foundation of South Florida, applicants must be a tax-exempt nonprofit under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or a local or state governmental agency. In addition, the project for which funding is being requested must exclusively serve the residents of Broward, Miami-Dade and/or Monroe Counties.

What are your funding criteria?

The following are weighed heavily by Heath Foundation when reviewing grant proposals:

  • The project aligns with the Health Foundation’s mission, goals, and values.
  • The project’s goals, objectives, and outcomes are clear and measurable.
  • The project aligns with best-practice approaches or principles.
  • The project’s budget fully explains how Health Foundation funds will be used.
  • The project is supported by other private, public and/or community resources.
  • The project’s community benefits continue beyond a grant from the Health Foundation.
How do I apply for a grant?
The process for applying is detailed here. All applications must be submitted through our Grants Portal, where applicants must register as a user.  
What are the main components and/or requirements of your grant proposal application?

Similar to a letter of intent, a concept proposal is a brief application that helps outline the main purpose of your funding request. The application consists of a handful of short questions regarding the work to be done, likely budget items and the intended impact. Although considered a first step in our application process, this step is not mandatory and may be waived depending on the funding request. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to speak to a Health Foundation programs staff member before applying.

A project proposal is a full application consisting of a narrative, a budget and budget justification, and a work plan. The work plan should be a stand-alone document outlining your project’s process and outcome objectives.  Additional documents that may be requested include form 990s, 501(c)(3) designation letter, and your organization’s audited financial reviews.

The Health Foundation’s grantmaking approach is a collaborative, co-design process in which applicants work closely with the staff throughout the application process.

What is the average size and duration of your grants?

The Health Foundation accepts multi-year requests, and award amounts vary depending on the funding program. Applicants should submit a budget that aligns with the scope of their project, supports proposed activities, and clearly connects activities or outcomes with line item requests.

What is your indirect cost policy?

The Health Foundation can provide support for indirect cost, calculated on a percentage basis (10-15%) according to your organization’s operating budget. Indirect costs do not need to be itemized.

How do I create an account on the portal?
  1. Click the GOapply Portal registration link.
  2. Refer to the Getting Started with AkoyaGO Guide for step-by-step instructions.
  3. Ensure you have your Tax ID/EIN ready, as it is required for registration.
I forgot my password. How do I reset my account login information?

For a forgotten password click on the “Forgot Password” button on the Grants Portal Sign-in Screen. We will automatically email you a link for resetting your password.  Click on the link and follow the instructions.

Once I log in to my account, how do I find my active projects and scheduled reports?

Once logged into your account, any active grant applications, approved grants and scheduled reports that are linked to your account can be found on the left-hand side under “Dashboard”. If there is something missing, please contact your program liaison. 

How and when will we receive our grant payments?

In general, payment schedules are typically as follows:

  • The initial payment is contingent on the grantee satisfactorily submitting all requirements outlined in the grant award agreement. 
  • Subsequent payments are based on receipt, review and approval of progress reports every six months.
  • Ten percent of the grant award is withheld pending receipt, review and approval of a final report.
What are your grant reporting requirements?

For the majority of projects, the Health Foundation requires a progress report every six months, and a final report at the end of the project. Other projects may only require a final report at the end of the project. 

Our budget or timeline may change once the project begins. Are we allowed to make modifications once a grant has been approved and/or request a no-cost extension?

We understand that despite best intentions, things may come up once a project is underway. For budget modifications, you will need to submit a “Request for Budget Modification” form for any variances greater than $3,000. For no-cost extensions, please contact your program liaison. Please notify your program liaison as soon as possible of any changes with your project.

What are your communications and media policies?

Please refer to our Communications and Media guide and your grant award agreement for specific policies. Should you have any additional questions, please contact your program liaison.